We have a lot to do in the New Year
Even if Corona unceremoniously canceled our planned special trips in the Advent and pre-Christmas period, we will still close the year 2021 with many remarkable successes:
- After fifteen years of manual operation, the turntable turned electrically again in a trial run. The last settings and fine adjustments are now on the work program.
- The replacement of hundreds of ailing wooden sleepers around the turntable, including straightening and tamping the beam tracks, was completely completed.
- The locomotive shed forecourt has been paved by KREBS & SUHR and the drainage of the rail-side locomotive shed roof has been completely renewed by THULLESEN.
- Most of the coal rail track was renewed in-house and is now waiting for ballasting, tamping and welding.
- The infrastructure connection contract with DB Netz for our southern connection, which was completed a year ago, is now available and has some significant advantages over previous contracts. The contract will start on January 1st, 2022.
- In the old locomotive shed, the window frames were refurbished by the BÄRENSCHMIED and all the broken glass panes were replaced by GLAS MÜLLENBACH.
- The heating pipes of our two-axle steam locomotive O&K 7685 were delivered, cut to size by MaLoWa and placed in the pipe walls by KRS. Next, the pipes are rolled and flanged onto the pipe walls.
- Three passenger coaches and one coach were brought through the main inspection and can now be used again for special trips.
- Four more passenger coaches were acquired with a deadline of several years. They will complement the historical coaches currently under construction and can be used from the 2022 season.